St. David Catholic Elementary School
September 21, 2012

"We Stand Up to Bullying at St. David Catholic School"

September 28 is  International STAND UP to Bullying Day.  To date more than 3100 schools and workplaces representing more than a million people have taken part in this celebration. St. David Catholic School celebrated STAND UP TO BULLYING day by asking all students and staff to wear pink.  School staff reinforced that bullying can be verbal, social, physical or can happen on the internet.  Students were reminded that if they witness any bullying in the school yard, it is important that they report it to their teacher or school staff immediately. Teachers reinforced how to protect yourself from being bullied and how to support friends who are victims of bullies. “Wearing pink today represents our school message to all bullies: We are standing up as a community againstt bullying –so we are wearing our pink shirts with pride and confidence recognizing that each of us has the power to make a difference”, stated Mrs. Jennifer Gran, St. David School grade 4/5 teacher.

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