St. David School Partners with Real Canadian Superstore Optical Services to Better Support Student Achievement
In order to better support student success academically as well as support families to access services available in the community, St. David Catholic Elementary School and the Real Canadian Superstore Optical Services Department partnered to provide all students with a free vision screening at school. Students at St. David Catholic School had their vision screened by a Registered Optician and support staff from the Real Canadian Superstore Optical Services Department. After the screening, all students were provided with a healthy snack compliments of the Superstore.
Amber Fournier, Superstore Optician, and her team, screened for things such as colour blindness, depth perception, visual acuity and strabismus (eye turning in/out). This screening did not replace a complete eye examination from a Doctor of Optometry. But, was the first step to support students experiencing any vision issues.
By protecting your children’s eye health and vision, parents are enabling them to play, learn, socialize and fully experience everything that life has to offer. Eye problems can even lead to developmental difficulties at school. In fact, one in five children has a vision disorder. Not knowing any differently, many of these children accept poor vision and other eye ailments as normal. If a vision problem was detected during the school screening, an Optometrist referral letter was sent home directly to the parent with their child.
In Ontario, it is recommended that children 19 years old and under have their eyes examined. This exam is covered with their health card (OHIP) every year. Eye sight and eye health are critical to a child’s development. According to Elizabeth Trembly, parent from St. David School, “I am glad that the school and the Superstore provided this opportunity for my son. As it turns out, he did require further testing and was experiencing vision difficulties. He is doing well and is enjoying his new glasses”.