St. David Catholic Elementary School
May 08, 2020

St. David School Celebrates Students During Catholic Education Week

Girls hold up their gifts

Catholic Education week, we need to count on the faith within us and believe
that our school community will support one another and work together to promote
the faith in others. Hope brings us closer together during these challenging
times and allows us to reflect on what is important in life. During the month
of May we celebrate the virtue of empathy, which allows us to continue to build
relationships with our families and school community partners.

In light of
Catholic Education week, St. David School felt their students should be
recognized and celebrated for their efforts in giving back to their school
community in various ways. The students selected received a $100.00 PC gift
card for their random acts of kindness, leadership and inspiration, which was virtually
displayed on their online learning platforms and social media. These students
ignite hope in their classmates, peers, teachers and families as they display
their sheer motivation to persevere even when times get tough, like this
pandemic crisis we are all facing.I
would like to thank PC Loblaw’s for giving St. David School the flexibility and
opportunity to celebrate our students and families during this difficult time
of Covid-19. I would also like to highlight our Educational Assistants for
making this day possible for our students. Without your genuine care, love and
kindness, this opportunity for giving back would not have happened without you.

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