St. David Catholic Elementary School
May 19, 2017

Families Engage in the Learning Process at St. David School

Staff, parents and students at St. David Catholic School believe that reading is fundamental to school success. Families continue to support student success by sharing their love of reading with their children at home in the school’s “read at home program” and at school during the “learn together mornings” program.
St. David families were co-learners alongside students during the school’s “learn together morning” which took place during Catholic Education Week (April 30-May 5, 2017). Family members spent the morning learning with their children demonstrating their love of reading and using it as an effective to tool to teach reading.
“It was a wonderful morning. It’s always great to see students so excited to read. Parents and family members were very proud of their children and the children were fantastic hosts”, said Colin Lapalme, the school’s vice principal.

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