"Everyone is a Mathematician at St. David School!"
On November 18th, St. David Catholic Elementary School welcomed parents and family members into the school community to enjoy a morning of math games with their children. All family members started their sessions off with a coffee and a warm welcome from the school principal and vice principal, who explained the school’s math improvement goal and how each family could support their children at home become successful, confident students of mathematics. All family participants received a “math gift bag” to encourage the continuation of math games at home. Each bag not only included some basic math tools and activities, but also included the Ministry of Education parent handbook entitled, “Doing Mathematics with Your Child – a Parent Guide”.
Families enjoyed a variety of simple math games with their children as well as used the time in the school to help build community and model what a trusting school / home relationship looks like. Laughter could be heard throughout the building as well as student and parents’ growing confidence in mathematics. “It is important for our families to understand the math curriculum and the simple ways that they can support their child’s success at school. Our students set goals for themselves in literacy and mathematics and when we all work together to provide safe and accepting learning environments their goals are reachable. It is vital that all students see themselves as successful math learners and that families and school staff work as a team to support student confidence building and academic success” stated Megan Murphy, St. David Catholic School Vice Principal.