St. David Catholic Elementary School

St. David School Proudly Supports Student Well Being Through Tae Kwon Do Lessons

St. David Catholic Elementary School continues to offer grades 3 – 5 students Tae Kwon Do lessons every Monday for an hour at lunch. The program focus remains the 5 tenets that Tae Kwon Do practitioners live their lives by:
Self Control
Indomitable Spirit
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s CCAC Health Nurse, Roland Dutrisac, uses Tae Kwon Do as an effective strategy to encourage students to live healthy lives through physical activity as well as learn such important skills as: focus, concentration, discipline, self control and perseverance. The Tae Kwon Do program also stresses the importance of confidence and how to deal with conflict in a proactive manner.
Next year, the school will move from its original location on Jean Street to a brand new home at 459 Frood Road. The program has seen such success that it will continue to be offered at the new location. The school hopes all returning students and new registrants will continue to take advantage of this inter disciplinary opportunity. The school would also like to take this time to thank Mr. Roland Dutrisac for his wonderful contribution to the St. David School community!

Indigenous Celebration Held

The Diocesan Centre is planning an inclusive day of celebration based on indigenous culture, and would love a big turn out at this event. All students, staff, families and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend! It looks to be a great day planned!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Fielding Park
5:30 am. Sunrise Ceremony ~
8:00 am. Pancake Breakfast ~
9:00 am. Teaching Carousel – Stations will be set up to be rotated through – 6 stations with 20 minute presentations at each~
a) Children drumming station~
b) Craft – decade of the rosary with four/six colour beads + leather OR~leather bookmark
c) 7 Grandfather teachings
d) Legends – Elders telling the stories~
e) Medicines and Wheel
f) Sacred Elements (fire keeper, tobacco, stones, feather, pipe, drums, smudge, animals) ~
11:00 am. Healing Circle – prayers, scripture (trilingual), blessing~
1:30 pm. Feast – “pot luck”
3:00 pm Travelling Song/Blessing~
For more information and access to resources, please consult:

St. David School Hosts Wellness Day… Taking Care of YOU!

On April 24, St. David Catholic School hosted a “Wellness Day” focusing on supporting students to lead healthy, well-balanced lives. The morning kicked off with motivational student-created videos, acknowledgement of community partners and introductions to the day’s wellness workshops. The grade 4-8 student participants were divided into groups and attended two out of six sessions of their choosing. All students participants were given the opportunity to choose which sessions they wanted to attend.
The day consisted of various healthy habit-forming activities and coping strategy workshops which included yoga, outdoor education team building, “What’s your Spark”, tae kwon do, dance, and healthy cooking options. The school hosted presenters from a number of community agencies within the city including the Sudbury District Health Unit, Better Beginnings-Better Futures, Killarney Outdoor Education Centre and several wonderful student teachers from Laurentian University.
Katie-Ann McLean, grade 8 student at St. David School, described the day as “an opportunity to learn how to relax your mind, body and spirit” .
St. David Catholic School accessed a community grant from Breakfast Club of Canada to host this special day. “For over twenty years, Breakfast Club of Canada has been nourishing children’s potential by making sure as many of them as possible have access to a healthy morning meal before school, in an environment that allows their self esteem to grow and flourish”. Thank you Breakfast Club of Canada, and Better Beginnings-Better Futures for all that you do for St. David Catholic Elementary School, and so many other schools.

St. David Catholic School and the Grade 12 Marymount Leadership Class Encourages The Love of Reading in Kindergarten Students

The Full Day Kindergarten class at St. David Catholic Elementary School recently partnered with the grade 12 Leadership Class at Marymount Academy to begin a new reading initiative to support reading achievement for FDK students. The classes first met at the local MacKenzie Street library and now visit each others classrooms twice a month to read together. “I super duper love to read with my buddy, its fun and we get to have name tags that are the same” said Lexus Dumas, FDK student. The initiative will continue until June when the classes will get together for a reading party to celebrate their partnership and reading success.

St. David School Partners with Real Canadian Superstore Optical Services to Better Support Student Achievement

In order to better support student success academically as well as support families to access services available in the community, St. David Catholic Elementary School and the Real Canadian Superstore Optical Services Department partnered to provide all students with a free vision screening at school. Students at St. David Catholic School had their vision screened by a Registered Optician and support staff from the Real Canadian Superstore Optical Services Department. After the screening, all students were provided with a healthy snack compliments of the Superstore.
Amber Fournier, Superstore Optician, and her team, screened for things such as colour blindness, depth perception, visual acuity and strabismus (eye turning in/out). This screening did not replace a complete eye examination from a Doctor of Optometry. But, was the first step to support students experiencing any vision issues.
By protecting your children’s eye health and vision, parents are enabling them to play, learn, socialize and fully experience everything that life has to offer. Eye problems can even lead to developmental difficulties at school. In fact, one in five children has a vision disorder. Not knowing any differently, many of these children accept poor vision and other eye ailments as normal. If a vision problem was detected during the school screening, an Optometrist referral letter was sent home directly to the parent with their child.
In Ontario, it is recommended that children 19 years old and under have their eyes examined. This exam is covered with their health card (OHIP) every year. Eye sight and eye health are critical to a child’s development. According to Elizabeth Trembly, parent from St. David School, “I am glad that the school and the Superstore provided this opportunity for my son. As it turns out, he did require further testing and was experiencing vision difficulties. He is doing well and is enjoying his new glasses”.

OAPCE Monthly Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE). To read this month’s newsletter, click here: Parent Partner Newsletter – Easter 2015

St. David School Promotes Healthy Life Choices with "The Big Crunch"

The students and staff at St. David Catholic School participated in a special day of “good food education, ending in a massive, synchronized bite into a crunchy apple”. The school prepared for this special day playing student created public service announcements celebrating the benefits of choosing locally grown foods and eating healthy. St. David School works throughout the year to promote healthy eating habits, the benefits of daily physical activity and positive self esteem. “It was a fun activity to support positive lifestyle choices. The students enjoyed the fresh apple and especially enjoyed that this learning experience was done as a school community”, said Ms. Cimino, St. David School Grade 1 teacher.

St. David School welcomes the Indigenous duo, Waaban

Mrs. Fielding and her St. David School Native Language students gathered together to welcome the Indigenous duo Waaban, which means “first break of light in the morning” in Anishnaabemowin. Nathalie Restoule (former Miss Wikwemikong and Anishinabek Nation Youth Representative) and Jordan Mowat first shared their gift of song and drumming with a concert for the students. Then they shared their struggles growing up with bullying in schools. They passed on advice on how they overcame their struggles by the power of resilience and having pride in their culture. After the young role models delivered their motivational speeches, they “broke bannock” with the inspired students during the Native Language Feast in honour of Nathalie and Jordan’s classroom visit.

St. David School Students Inspired to "bookitforward"

St. David Catholic School students have challenged themselves and their families to share books and encourage all those around them to appreciate and better understand the knowledge and power that comes with reading. Inspired by the notion that we can change the world by sharing stories that matter, Ms. Lepage’s grade 3/4 class has called on their school community and the Greater Sudbury community to think of books that have inspired them and “book it forward”.
On Valentine’s Day, students hoped to get 100 people to gift a book that they love! Why? Because books are full of ideas, and ideas change things! Families were encouraged to share their pictures online with the hash-tag #bookitforwardstdavid
“What a wonderful, simple and inspiring idea”, stated Kacey Boulrice, school Educational Assistant and support staff that works with Ms. Lepage’s grade 3/4 class. “The students are excited about reading and more importantly they are excited about sharing books they love. The students are very intrigued by the idea that their peers are making decisions based on their reading recommendations. It is a wonderful thing to see students empowered and truly interested in sharing their ideas on books and reading for enjoyment”.

Shrove Tuesday Celebrated at St. David Catholic School

St. David Catholic school celebrated Shrove Tuesday, more commonly known as Pancake Tuesday, by making pancakes for all staff and students. The school staff gathered at 7 am in the school kitchen and started the task of making pancakes for all 250 students and their teachers. In the Catholic faith, Shrove Tuesday is the day preceding Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. The penitential season of Lent is a period of 40 days ending with the celebration of Easter. Eating pancakes the day before Lent started as a way to use up rich foods such as eggs, milk and sugar.
The students enjoyed their pancake breakfasts with their teachers. “They were yummy” commented grade 2 student Fred Ranger after finishing his meal. “I really liked the blueberry topping on my pancakes. I think the fruit was my favourite part” stated Tate Armstrong, grade 1 student. The students also learned the term “Mardi Gras” is French for “Fat Tuesday”, again referring to the tradition of eating foods rich in fats and sugars on Shove Tuesday. “This is a wonderful tradition at St. David School. We have been making pancakes for the students and staff for as long as I can remember on Shrove Tuesday. It is a wonderful time to come together as a community of faith and enjoy good food and good company. It makes for a great start to the day”, stated Nancy Costanzi, the school’s resource teacher.

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