St. David Catholic Elementary School
April 12, 2017

The Easter Bunny arrives early at St. David School

Full day kindergarten students at St. David School took the inquiry model one step further. The students and their teachers spent the morning on school trails exploring spring’s effect on our natural environment. The students participated in a hands on literacy and numeracy based activity.
Using their spatial awareness skills and their pre-reading abilities, each student located an “Easter Egg” that was created specifically for them. They explored and noted the seasonal changes happening in nature as they hunted for eggs containing special Easter treats.
Staff members took this opportunity to educate students about the dangers of fast moving water and the importance of stewardship.
St. David School reminds all families to register for the fall of 2017. (705) 674-4096, 549 Frood Rd., Sudbury, Ontario.

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