St. David Catholic Elementary School

St. David students learn "What Counts, What Matters, What is Important, When we Solve a Math Problem Completely"

The grade 5/6 class at St. David Catholic School learned what counts, what matters, what is important, when we solve a math problem completely. The students were involved in co-developing success criteria for problem solving in a lesson modelled by renewed, interactive educational speaker and author, Sandra Herbst.
The students and Ms. Herbst developed the criteria, while the Board’s principals and vice principals observed the lesson. The lesson included modelling, peer conversation, higher level questioning and the organization and sharing of student ideas to co-construct success criteria. The lesson was an opportunity for not only student learning, but also staff learning. The staff involved attended a pre-lesson professional development session, then attended a de-breifing after the demonstration lesson. Ms. Herbst spent the week working with Sudbury Catholic Schools teachers, principals, vice principals and students from a variety of Sudbury Catholic elementary and secondary schools.

Pink Shirt Campaign at St. David School

As part of the St. David School and Sudbury Police Services shared commitment for the well being and safety of our children, Krystle Beausoleil, the Police Youth Safety Coordinator attended St. David School. She delivered the message that is takes ‘courage to stand’ up against those who try to bully and hurt others. Her message focused on positive action and standing up for each other. Her message also focused on treating one other with respect and dignity, allas part of the ‘Pink Shirt Campaign’.
All students at St. David School will be standing together against bullying and will be signing the Sudbury Regional Police Services “Pink Shirt” to demonstrate our commitment to “stand up” together.

Bishop Damphousse Blesses Newly Constructed School in the Donovan

Bishop Marcel Damphousse of the Diocese of Sault Ste Marie blessed the new St. David Catholic Elementary School, it’s students, staff and community during the school’s first mass of the year.
Students, parents, staff and members from Christ the King’s CWL and Men’s Club packed the school gymnasium to celebrate the first official school mass of the year. During the ceremony, the Bishop said the homily and blessed the students, parents and classroom crucifixes. He also went class to class to speak with students about their new school and the importance of having God in their lives.
The mass started with the sound of the drum and a light smudge to bring good feelings to the school and all who enter. Special thanks to community member, Lisa Cywink for her drumming and Elder, Ethel Fraser for the smudge.

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