St. David Catholic Elementary School

St. David school hosts aspiring teacher

Mrs. Turner’s Grade 2/3 class at St David welcomed Lakehead (Orillia’s Campus) student teacher, Rebecca Hamilton into our classroom for the past 5 weeks.
In this art piece, Mrs. Hamilton taught the students how to tint the colour blue by mixing in white paint to give the effect of lighter to darker blue starting with the white circle in the middle of the art piece. The white circle is significant in many ways. “We spoke to the students about how God’s love for us is never ending; just like the advent wreath in the shape of a circle. His love is continuous and never ending.” said Hamilton.
Adding the silhouette of the Manger Scene to such a beautiful art piece is absolutely stunning. The students “awed” as they were putting all its pieces together. One student was heard saying, “This is beautiful”. The bright yellow star brought in discussions about geometric polygons when the students were observing Mrs. Hamilton draw one on the blackboard. “I see a pentagon, if you join the points around the star,” said one student. “I see lots of triangles inside the star,” said another. “I see an upside pentagon in the middle of the star!” A clear indication that the geometric unit just completed was successful!!
Christmas is such a special and important time for us in Catholic schools as it brings us right back to our core beliefs. “My students love hearing the Christmas Story read to them year after year. They love learning about the advent wreath, the candles and all that it symbolizes. It is a time to reflect upon patience, peace, love, joy, and Jesus…the true reason for the season! I think this art piece demonstrates this message beautifully.” said Mrs Turner.
Great job, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs Turner and Grade 2/3’s!!

Christmas Arts Spectacular tonight at St. Charles College

This morning, students at the feeder schools were wowed by the magical performances of St. Charles’ performing arts students. 
The yearly Christmas concert featured MC Jenna Daypuk belting out “Let it Go” from Disney’s “Frozen” which created a sing along by some 550 grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 students.
Other highlights include the choir and band ensembles as well as Parker Szilva and Ava Danyluk singing “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”.
The Arts concert is open to the public this evening, Thursday, December 11th at 7 p.m. in the St. Charles College gymnasium.

Christmas for Kids Campaign in full swing at St. Charles College

Each year, the students at St. Charles College join forces with the students in their homeroom to help put gifts under the Christmas tree in a home somewhere in Sudbury. 
Deacon Steve Callaghan organizes the campaign with the administrators working in the eight feeder schools – St. Bernadette, St. Andrew, St. John, Pius, St. Paul, St. Mark, St. David and St. Raphael.  Deacon Steve says “The administrators at each of these schools know which family is in dire need of support and what life is like for them.”
After students are selected, the child writes a letter to Santa and each homeroom “adopts” one of the children.  Money is then raised during the month in the mission envelope.  All money is then given to a designated student on December 11th so that the shopping can be done. 
Deacon Steve Callaghan then brings the wrapped gifts to the school principal on December 17th and 18th and the principal contacts the family for pick-up.  He says, “When the principal and the secretary see us hauling in present after present – they are overwhelmed and often cry because of the generosity of our children.”

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